Slides for the rest of chapter 6 and for chapter 7 are posted on the Resources page.
Exam II posted
Syllabus Update
The updated syllabus, accounting for last week’s CUNY-wide recalibration period, has been posted on the Resources page.
Transition to Online
Hey everyone! Hope you’re safe and well.
Along with the rest of CUNY, we’re transitioning to this being an online course for the rest of the semester. The syllabus has been totally overhauled, so please give it a read through. I’ve also added a discussion board to this site, where you can post questions and answers and start conversations, and it will count towards your participation grade.
Class will next meet on Tuesday, 24 March, as a livestream. Thank you to everyone who suggested streaming platforms. I tried many out, and we’ll be using Google Meet going forward.
I will be sharing Quiz 7 with you all tomorrow. Please email it to me, completed, by 6:30 on Tuesday, 24 March.
Finally, if you know someone in this class, please get in touch with them to let them know about this email. Some of you have reached out to me because my last email wound up in your junk folder, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on this crucial information.
Thank you so much for your patience, well wishes, and good spirit as we go through this. Please always feel free to reach out to me for support or help. I hope we all stay safe and healthy, and learn a good deal of syntax, too.
– Joe Pentangelo
2S 219
As of 14 February, class will now meet in 2S 219.
First class
The first class meeting will be held on 28 January in room 2S-220.